Burning The Planet One Tongue at a Time
Limited edition sauces created by our founder, Dan Stevens. Dan has been creating sauces for over 25 years and has no shortage of new ideas. Instead of hoarding these treasures for ourselves, we've decided to offer them to our loyal customers.
Each sauce is created in "Micro Batches" so supply is limited. There's no guarantee when he'll make another batch, stock up while they last!
Making hot sauce is our passion. We blend the finest chile peppers with fresh fruits and vegetables to create unmatched flavors. Whether you're new to hot sauce or a fanatic, Captain Mowatt's has a savory sauce for every craving.
Captain Mowatt’s was established in 1997 in Portland, Maine. Named after British naval officer Captain Henry Mowatt, who bombarded the city of Portland in 1775 aboard the HMS Canceaux. Today, Captain Mowatt’s fiery fleet continues to burn the planet one tongue at a time.
The HMS Canceaux was used by Captain Henry Mowatt to bombard Falmouth Neck, in 1775. Canceaux was a 16-gun hydrographic survey sloop. Its original job was conducting coastal surveys of Atlantic Canada and New England. The name Canceaux comes from a fishing village in Nova Scotia. The village is now known by its modern spelling as Canso, but was also known as Canseau and Canceaux, depending on the map. The name Canso came from the Mi'kmaq word kamsook which means "opposite the lofty cliff."